What's it all about: The event combines a mountain bike Enduro Race, Sport Event, Intro Event and Mountain Biking Festival over three days in Swaledale. The course takes in 100% natural rocky descents and breathtaking transitions, making this different from your average trail centre enduro! One off access to private land means The 'Ard Rock Enduro takes in gnarly, rock strewn terrain that is only rideable during the event. A special 45km loop (measured in country miles) with either 4 or 7 Alpine-style timed stages on natural rock-strewn terrain, what's not to love.
Polite Notice: Special Stage are on private land that with kind permission of the landowners the event can run. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't try to ride the stages it only puts future events in jeopardy. There is so much great riding in Swaledale there's no need to hunt out the lines.
Experience ArdRock riding anytime... Be sure to make a visit to Swaledale. From here at Dales Bike Centre, 'Centre of Trails' for mountain biking the Yorkshire Dales explore the extensive network of legally rideable trails. It can be as simple as picking up a route map from our bikeshop or downloading a .gpx file from our websites Mountain Biking page.
Dates: 29th-31st July 2022
Location: Dales Bike Centre, Swaledale - The Yorkshire Dales
Latest Event News: Event news to follow
Make a trip of it, book a stay here at Dales Bike Centre, check out our Bunk Rooms.
Then let us Guide your way.... No one knows Swaledale like we do, take a Guided Mountain Bike ride with us to get the absolute utmost of your riding time. Experience ArdRock country the way we do everyday.