March 17, 2020
Covid 19 - Response to Government announcements
Like so many small businesses across the country we find ourselves in very difficult situation, desperate to do the right thing to protect customers, staff, friends and family. As a nation we’re told to social distance, to avoid public places and venues such as pubs, restaurants, cafes etc. As a business with a cafe being a large part of our income and adding to the overall appeal of visiting us in Swaledale, maybe also riding bikes and/or staying over in our bunk accommodation. There has been no direct message from government as to if we are expected to stay open playing our part in the economy employing staff and collect taxes for the government in the form of VAT or do we close keeping our great staff on the payroll
Over recent weeks we have been taking extra precautions to protect ourselves, customers, friends and family across all areas of our business. We’ll continue to stay open whilst we can or until directed to close if/when that comes from government. Whilst we remain open we ask the obvious from you… If you are showing ANY of the symptoms as described by Public Health England then please stay at home! Be considerate to our staff and other customers, wash hands, keep an appropriate distance, pay via contactless card if possible, maybe eat or drink outside take in the view and fresh air.
The precautions we’ll be taking…
• Bike Shop – Cleanliness is important to us all surfaces sanitised regularly, staff dealing with money will wash hands after every transaction, contactless payment available, chip’n’pin machine sanitised after use, staff to keep appropriate distance.
• Workshop – Give us a ring regarding repair/service prior to dropping bikes off to ensure minimum fuss. We kindly request that any customer’s bikes are cleaned before being dropped off. We’ll use isopropyl alcohol to disinfect contact points. We’ll then get in touch once bike repairs are complete and sort payment over the phone.
• Bike Hire – Hire bikes can be booked and paid for online, all our hire bikes are safety checked and cleaned after every use. We will use isopropyl alcohol to disinfect contact points to ensure your safety.
• Cafe – We always take hygiene extremely seriously but we are taking extra precautions: staff dealing with money will wash hands after every transaction, every table sanitised after every use, outside seating area available with space between tables, sanitising door handles and expect customers should wash hands in our washroom before entering the cafe. Takeaways can be phoned-in to have ready for pick up and paid by contactless.
• Accommodation – We will endeavour to honour current bookings with single rooms where available, current bookings can be postponed to a later date.
We are constantly reviewing our processes, reviewing the latest guidelines and keeping abreast of Public Health England recommendations change.
We really do appreciate your support and understanding during these unprecedented times.
Above all, customer safety the safety of our staff, family and friends is paramount and as this current situation evolves we’ll keep in touch.
Take it easy, keep calm, keep riding
Stu, Bren and all out great team at Dales Bike Centre
Dales Bike Centre Limited
Parks Barn
North Yorkshire
DL11 6AW
VAT: 796881257
Company Reg No: 11587382
Supported by: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
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