May 13, 2020
Covid-19 - Dales Bike Centre update
Whilst UK Government slightly eased restrictions this week our position remains the same.
Until further notice otherwise we are to remain CLOSED…
All facilities, cafe, accommodation and bike shop are closed. Unfortunately it isn’t business as usual here or anywhere in our area, we are still in lockdown and along with pretty much every visitor related business in the areas our doors are to be closed.
Anyone planning a journey to our area from near or far to exercise please respect our community that, like everyone else in the UK is still in lockdown. We all see ourselves in unprecedented times, communities and people across that land are understandably very anxious. Please ensure social distancing, think about everything you touch, be considerate and play your part in containing this disease.
Stay Safe folks! Worth reading the latest post from Coniston Mountain Rescue Team to get an insight of the implications if your exercise in the hills and mountains goes wrong.
We are so looking forward to the day we can at last open our doors albeit gradually and safely to get back to enjoying the buzz of people, bikes and cake as we always have done.
There is one member staff infrequently onsite doing maintenance, computer system updates, sending out website sales and answering emails but we remain closed.
Dales Bike Centre Limited
Parks Barn
North Yorkshire
DL11 6AW
VAT: 796881257
Company Reg No: 11587382
Supported by: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
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